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ADD Coachs' Recommended Articles



Understanding ADD:

       The Basics of ADD

       One Cause of ADD

       ADD Frequently Underdiagnosed

       Adult ADD: Underdiagnosed?

ADD & Behavior:

ADD & Co-Morbidities:

       ADD & More

       Behavior Disorders That Often Co-Occur with ADHD

       Diagnosing Bipolar vs. ADHD

ADD and Families:

      When ADD Runs in Families

        When Your Grandchild Has ADD

ADD Latest Research:

      NIMH Multimodal Treatment Study Explained

       NIMH MTA Study  14 Months Later

       NIMH MTA Study 24 Months Later

ADD & the Law:

       ADHD: Implications for the Criminal Justice System 

         If He Outgrew It, What Is He Doing in My Prison?

Education Law:

       Educational Rights for Children with ADHD 


       Update on Medications Used for ADD

Adult ADD:

       When Children with ADHD Become Adults